Congregational Care


Great Bridge Presbyterian Church has three counselors from Tidewater Pastoral Counseling available for counseling during the week: Marty Phillips, LPC.

Tidewater Pastoral Counseling Services staff are educated and trained to help you grow in your most significant relationships and in your own personal life. TPCS is a not-for-profit extension of the Judeo-Christian faith community dedicated to providing quality pastoral counseling and education to anyone regardless of age, race, faith perspective or socio-economic background. Organized in 1974, TPCS serves more than 1,500 clients annually in eight centers throughout Hampton Roads.  Pastoral counseling tends to be person-centered rather than problem-centered and focuses on the growth of individuals rather than the psychopathology or deficiencies of persons. Both counselors accept new referrals and can accept most insurance; however, TPCS does not turn away anyone due to their inability to pay. Counseling is available for kids, adults, couples and families. Call 757-623-2700 for an appointment or visit their website: Tidewater Pastoral Counseling.

Small Groups

GBPC encourages everyone to be involved in a Small group, which we see as our primary method of congregational care. Small groups are generally groups of 8-20 people who meet together regularly, enabling participants to intimately know and respond to each others’ joys and concerns.


Those who are not in Small groups are assigned a deacon. The role of the deacon at GBPC is focused on sympathy, witness, and service. Each deacon shepherds a “flock” of 15-20 families. They communicate regularly with their flock members in order to let them know they are available to respond to any needs that their flock member may have. Most importantly, they are charged to pray regularly with and for their flock members. View our current list of Deacons here.


When a member of the GBPC church family is anticipating surgery or is in the hospital and they or their loved ones notify the church, our pastor contacts them for prayer and visit them in the hospital. He helps families grieving the loss of loved ones and conducts funerals or memorial services. He also is available for counseling appointments and prayer for discernment, and for joyous occasions such as marriages and premarital counseling.


Need prayer? Click here

GBPC Deacons want to fulfill and build on the Biblical calling of Luke 10:29-37. We desire to serve those in need with Christ’s love, compassion, and mercy, following the example of the Good Samaritan on the road to Jericho.   If you have a need, please contact one of the following church members who are willing to talk about how the church can help. The printed prayer covenant is now available on the Information ledge outside the Fellowship Hall.

Wayne Stover (989-430-8379)
Dave Randall (757-636-4389)

Support Groups


ABBA List is simply a communication tool to get you the support contact information you are seeking for yourself or a loved one. There are numerous free resources in the community and in the local churches. It is our goal to search these out and make them more readily available.

Divorce Care Group 
Meets Sundays, 1-3 pm, Room 230

Many in our congregation and community often find themselves in the often unwanted position of being in a difficult marital relationship that is deemed broken beyond repair. Fortunately, we serve a God who is in the business of mending broken people, of taking shattered lives and giving them new direction and purpose. This group is designed for those who want to come together with others seeking that healing for their lives. Contact Patti Pluess,, 757.482.9630 for more information.

Grief Support Group
Meets Sundays, 1-3 pm, Room 240

Have you lost someone you love? This group uses the Grief Share faith based curriculum which includes a video, workbook, scripture, journaling and prayer. All adults are invited who have experience a loss. The support group provides help as they continue on their individual grief journey. The objective is to turn mourning into joy. Click here to contact the grief support group coordinator.


Bob Burley


333 Cedar Road, Chesapeake, VA 23322
(757) 547-4706
(757) 549-4303
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Great Bridge Presbyterian Church © 2016 - website design by Minuteman Press Web Design
333 Cedar Road, Chesapeake, VA 23322
(757) 547-4706
(757) 549-4303
Great Bridge Presbyterian Church © 2016 - website design by Minuteman Press Web Design